Week 2 of the AR Colloquium is Underway!

July 3, 2019

The AR Colloquium hosted by CW3E, which began on Monday June 24th, is currently in its second week of events. Over the past several days, leading researchers in the field taught lectures on the fundamentals of atmospheric dynamics in relation to ARs, short- and long-term forecasting methods, isotopic and numerical weather analysis techniques, and how ARs in the Arctic and Antarctic connect to the tropics and midlatitudes. Attendees also learned important aspects of how to best communicate scientific research and weather forecasts to end-users, such as water resource managers in the area.

Over the weekend, attendees visited the San Diego National Weather Service (NWS) office to speak with Alexander Tardy, the Warning Coordination Meteorologist and Decision Support Services Lead, about hazards and forecasting challenges in Southern California, as well as the career trajectory of an NWS employee. Afterwards, CW3E Engineering Mentor, Douglas Alden, and Field Research Manager, Anna Wilson, led an informative tour of the Scripps Pier, and students participated in launching a weather balloon.

The AR Colloquium will wrap up later this week with a beach-barbeque networking event to celebrate the July 4th holiday, followed by a day of presentations by the students on their Colloquium projects. For their projects, students have been researching AR-related topics including AR variability in South America, summertime impacts of ARs on the Antarctic Peninsula, and the effect of coastal orographic lift on the inland penetration of ARs.

The AR Colloquium is being sponsored by the USACE.

NWS San Diego Warning Coordination Meteorologist and Decision Support Services Lead, Alexander Tardy, teaches AR Colloquium attendees about forecasting techniques and challenges in Southern California.

AR Colloquium attendees participate in launching a weather balloon off of the Scripps Pier.