FIRO Steering Committee Co-Chairs Provide In-depth Briefing to USACE

November 2, 2017

FIRO Steering Committee Co-chairs, Marty Ralph and Jay Jasperse, as well as Steering Committee member Cary Talbot (USACE Engineer Research and Development Center), provided an in-depth briefing to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), South Pacific Division Commanders, at the Regional Management Board meeting on October 24 in Sacramento, CA. The presentation included findings from the Lake Mendocino Preliminary Viability Assessment and the scientific research that is informing the Viability Assessment. The group discussed transferability of FIRO and next steps for completion of the Final Viability Assessment.

Photo from a briefing on FIRO for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), South Pacific Division Commanders, at the Regional Management Board meeting on October 24 in Sacramento. .