CW3E Welcomes Lu Su

November 20, 2023

Lu Su joined CW3E in November 2023 as a postdoctoral research scholar. Prior to joining the Center, Lu Su earned her PhD in Geography from University of California, Los Angeles, under the supervision of Dr. Dennis P. Lettenmaier. Lu’s doctoral dissertation explored the evaluation and improvement of hydrological simulation and forecast in the western U.S..Her work primarily focused on three areas: improving subseasonal drought onset and termination forecast accuracy using NOAA’s Climate Testbed Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) reforecasts, evaluating and improving flood forecasting capabilities of the Noah-MP model and comparing with the the existing river forecast center predictions, and developing finely calibrated parameters for two prominent land surface models – the VIC model and Noah-MP.

Additionally, Lu’s research extends to historical drought analysis over the past century in the contiguous United States, and the creation of a gridded forcing dataset and conducting over ten high-resolution climate simulations using the VIC model in California.

At CW3E, Lu will be working with the hydrology group under the supervision of Dr. Ming Pan. Her work will involve supporting the development and operation of CW3E’s hydrologic monitoring and seasonal forecasting system; performing hydrologic modeling experiments and analysis for the verification and improvement of forecast skills; and conducting climate-scale modeling to investigate the hydrologic consequences of climate change in the California region and its impact on regional water resources and other sectors.