CW3E Welcomes Dr. Suma Bhanu Battula

March 6, 2023

Suma joined CW3E as a research associate on Feb 1, 2023. She has an Integrated M.S in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (2016). She earned a joint-degree Ph.D. from Department of Civil Engineering in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment in Monash University, Australia (2023). Her PhD is on investigation of multiscale processes of orographic precipitation in the Western Himalayas (WH) in India. She developed a framework to obtain distinct precipitation regimes for the WH using atmospheric variables from reanalysis products. She obtained aerosol-heavy precipitation relationships in monsoonal regimes over the WH. She evaluated fine-resolution WRF simulations of extreme precipitation in WH. She received student travel grants from AGU and AMS during her Ph.D. to present her work in international conferences.

At CW3E, she is interested in looking at different types of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) causing extreme precipitation in Colorado Front Range and Upper Great Plains of the U.S. under the supervision of Dr. Jason Cordeira.