CW3E Welcomes Dr. Allison Michaelis

Feb 16, 2019

Dr. Allison Michaelis joined CW3E as a Postdoctoral Scholar in February 2019. Allison earned a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Meteorology from North Carolina State University (NCSU) before completing her M.S. and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science at NCSU under the advisement of Dr. Gary Lackmann. Her graduate research broadly examined synoptic-scale weather events in the context of current and future climates. More specifically, her dissertation research focused on high-resolution global modeling to investigate climate change effects on the frequency, location, dynamic, and impacts of extratropical transition of tropical cyclones.

As a post-doc at CW3E, Allison will continue with her interest in high-impact weather by examining the formation and evolution of mesoscale frontal waves in the context of atmospheric river dynamics and predictability of extreme precipitation in the Western United States. Allison is also looking forward to sharing her expertise in high-resolution modeling, namely her work with the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS), with the CW3E team. Born and bred in North Carolina, Allison is excited to spend some time on the West Coast.