CW3E Graduate Student presents at Workshop on Correlated Extremes

May 31, 2019

CW3E graduate student Meredith Fish was selected to attend and present at the Workshop on Correlated Extremes at Columbia University at the end of May. The concept of correlated extremes has emerged over the last few years along with recognition of social impacts associated with climate extremes that occur close together in space and time. The goal of this workshop was to bring together researchers who have contributed directly to the body of research on the topic of correlated climate extremes and their impacts.

Meredith presented on her dissertation topic of successive atmospheric rivers (ARs), or AR families. In her work, Meredith has defined AR families to be ARs that occur within five days of one another at the same location, and characterized synoptic patterns associated with AR families. Other topics at the workshop included extreme heat, air pollution, compound flooding events, amongst many others.

The attendees of the Workshop on Correlated Extremes (Photo provided by workshop organizers).